Most dermatologists say microdermabrasion is safe for all skin types and colors because of its non-invasive nature (it causes superficial skin injury and only removes the outermost skin layers which hosts dead skin cells). When performed properly, micro dermabrasion cannot tamper with the pigmentary balance of your skin. However, there is a minor risk associated with microdermabrasion performed on African American skin which can lead to discolorations in the skin.

Dermatologists and patients alike agree that while there are few risks associated with microdermabrasion, they are worth noting. Here is what could go wrong during or after your abrasion treatment.

Hyperpigmentation, skin injuries or infections may occur as a result of improper sterilization or handling of the microdermabrasion machine.
It is possible to inhale micro crystals from microderm machines. Aluminum oxide crystals, however, (the most common abrasive agent used in micro dermabrasion) cause no allergic or adverse reactions. They are not toxic for ingestion and are non-carcinogenic. Ingesting micro crystals in extremely large quantities, however, may cause respiratory problems – but so would dust – but that is extremely unlikely to happen during microabrasion skin treatment.
A few years back, some patients reported eye problems after stray micro crystals from microbrasion machines found their way into the eyes during micro abrasion. In the 21st century, however, all plastic surgeries, spas and beauty salons offer special eye protection (plastic or rubber goggles) during microderm abrasion, so chances of that happening are extremely slim. In addition, more and more beauty centers have crystal-free microdermabrasion machines (the high pressure flow is replaced with a coarse diamond tip), so the risk of getting particles in your eyes (or in your respiratory system) is practically null.
You may also experience temporary discoloration of the treated area after micro dermabrasion as well as sun sensitivity, flaking and redness. These are not abnormal reactions, but you should discuss them with your doctor if they occur.

To sum up, compared to other cosmetic procedures, there are few drawbacks, risks and side effects associated with expert microderm abrasion treatment. Home microdermabrasion kits like Youthful Essence help eliminate most problems, though at the expense of effectiveness.

Q: Can Microdermabrasion Be Used After Laser Surgery?
A: You must wait 6-12 months after laser surgery before you can have microdermabrasion due to increased risk of severe and permanent scarring. This applies to home kits as well as specialist treatment.

Q: Is Microdermabrasion Recommended After Alpha Hydroxy Acid (AHA) Products? A: You should not have microdermabrasion if you’ve used an alpha hydroxy acid (AHA) product in the last 14 days because the two exfoliating procedures combined are too aggressive and might affect your skin’s ability to recover. This applies to personal kits and doctor-performed treatment.

Q: How Safe Is Using Microdermabrasion During Accutane Treatment (Isotretinoin)? A: Microdermabrasion is not recommended for patients taking Accutane. This acne treatment works by reducing the amount of oil produced by the skin’s sebaceous glands which reduces the skin’s ability to recover after body or facial exfoliation. Having microdermabrasion while on Accutane may cause permanent scarring. This applies to both home and professional treatment.

Q: Can You Use Microdermabrasion While Pregnant? A: We recommend that you wait until you deliver your baby and finish the nursing period before microdermabrasion. Your skin is more sensitive during pregnancy and nursing and microbrasion systems may cause irritation or severe scarring. This procedure is also not recommended for pregnant and nursing women because hormonal changes during this period may reduce the effectiveness of the procedure.

Microdermabrasion and Acne – All you need to know about using microdermabrasion to treat active acne and acne scars.

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